Child Negligence Costs

Child poverty and neglect are two of the biggest challenges facing the country. A recent study revealed that more than half of all child negligence cases are due to the failure to provide adequate care and support. This issue has been a growing concern for the Child Welfare Bloemfontein & Childline Free State, and the organization is now receiving an increasing number of child negligence cases. Marietha Johnson, an official of Child Welfare Bloemfontein & Childline Free State, explains that child neglect and abuse is a growing problem.

Laws protecting children from abuse

There are numerous laws aimed at protecting children from negligence and abuse. In fact, there are several federal laws devoted to child abuse. The Victims of Child Abuse Act was enacted in 1990 and is a key example. It outlines the rights of child abuse victims and provides a framework for reporting child abuse and negligence. It … Read the rest >>>

Types of Traffic Violations

A traffic violation can be generally defined as an act that violates the traffic laws of a municipality or a state. Typically, most traffic laws are local. However, the federal government sometimes regulates some traffic aspects by denying federal funds to a state to force it to pass certain traffic laws. Nowadays, motorists may face various traffic offenses based on their driving location. Generally, traffic laws differ based on region, city, state, and highway. The following are common types of traffic violations.


Typically, most states have an absolute speed limit. Therefore, a driver may be issued a ticket for overspeeding, regardless of how slightly they surpassed it. It is also crucial to note that a traffic officer may give a speeding ticket when a motorist is driving too fast in a certain circumstance, even if they comply with the posted limit. If you find yourself in such a situation, … Read the rest >>>

3 Ways to Get Out of Jail

Flashing lights, cold metal handcuffs, and a police officer placing you in the back seat of a cop car. You are under arrest and headed to jail. So now what? Nobody wants to go to jail, but it happens to many people. Being behind bars is often a scary and embarrassing concept, but fortunately, these experiences do not usually last forever. Here are three ways to legally leave jail if you are ever arrested.


You might have heard of someone being out on bond. This means that a person is currently out of jail through a financial agreement between that person or someone close to the jailed individual, a bondsman, and the courts. Bail bonds York County PA act like an insurance policy and a payment plan to get out of jail. A bail bondsman pays the money owed on behalf of the arrestee under the conditions that the … Read the rest >>>

Attire for a Civil Wedding

If you are planning a civil wedding, you need to know the proper attire for it. Generally, you need to wear a white dress with a sash in front of it. The bride will also need a white veil. Guests should wear semi-formal or formal attire, depending on the time of day and location. It is important to ask your hosts about any specific dress code and find out if you can wear anything else.

Dress code

If you are planning on attending a civil wedding, you may be wondering about the dress code. Since this type of ceremony is typically held at a government office, it is not mandatory for you to follow a strict dress code. However, smart casual is considered appropriate. Men should wear trousers and a collared shirt. Do not wear slippers or khaki pants. They should also refrain from wearing sleeveless shirts.


A civil … Read the rest >>>

How Criminal Cases Differ from Civil Cases

Suppose you want a maritime law attorney today. Yet, you are not sure whether your case is categorized as civil or criminal. In this case, it would be vital to first understand the difference between civil and criminal law before getting an attorney. The following are a few aspects that help distinguish between criminal and civil cases.


Criminal cases are considered offenses against the state, meaning they seek to enforce public codes of behavior. The law assumes that crimes significantly affect the tranquility of the public, national integration, and public order. Such actions will include murder, aggravated assault, robbery with violence, and kidnapping. At the same time, some crimes are directed at the state itself, including treason, rebellion, and sedition.

On the other hand, civil cases are legal disputes between two parties, often individuals. Ideally, civil cases focus on civilians, meaning that they might not necessarily be about breaking … Read the rest >>>