The Most Common Types of Product Liability Claims

Product liability claims can arise for several reasons. One of the most common is a manufacturing defect when a product is not manufactured as intended. This can be intentional (the manufacturer scrimped on quality or cut corners to save money) or accidental. A manufacturing defect claim may not be appropriate for every product, but it is often appropriate for certain situations. 

Manufacturing Defects

A manufacturing defect is a defect that occurs during the manufacturing process. This can make a product dangerous. This defect can occur in various products, including automobiles, medical products, and consumer products. Manufacturing defects can be anything from a missing component in a seatbelt to a manufacturing error that led to a contaminated product.

The most common types of product liability claims in Connecticut involve defective manufacturing. This is the most common category of product liability claims because it means that a product had a flaw during … Read the rest >>>

Reasons for Denial of h1b visa

Immigration can be a confusing subject. You have to deal with different government departments, any number of lawyers offering their expertise, and the people who are hoping you’ll help them obtain residence in the United States. One particularly difficult aspect of immigration law is obtaining an H-1B visa, which allows “aliens” (those not born in or holding citizenship in the United States) to work for companies doing business in the US. However, there are many reasons these visas get denied by the Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs. Here are three common causes of denial:

The role offered does not qualify as a specialty occupation under US immigration policy

Certain criteria need to be met for an employment offer to qualify as a “specialty occupation” under the h1b visa policy. Without meeting these requirements, it’s unlikely that the US immigration department will approve the offer. For instance, … Read the rest >>>

Fixing Common Premises Liability Hazards

Unfortunately, many accidents are waiting to happen at home as well as in business establishments. These can be anything from tripping hazards like uneven flooring to dangerous equipment like improperly safeguarded machinery or chemicals. You need to take steps to protect your family and employees by eliminating these hazards before someone gets hurt. Being aware of various premise liability hazards and how to fix them prevents injury and potential legal issues. An Antelope Valley personal injury lawyer can verify this.

Why Preventing Premise Liability Hazards is Important

Within the realm of premise liability law is the understanding that property owners can be liable for injuries that took place on their land or in their home, whether the owner caused the damage or not. Injuries that a property owner can be forced to pay for include injuries sustained directly on the land and those that occur off their land if the … Read the rest >>>

Free Debt Help – How New Laws Have Created Debt Relief Options

There was a time when people could get out of a difficult financial situation by filing bankruptcy and get a trouble free fresh start. But with a change in laws, free debt help has come to the rescue of the masses so that what has been changed by the new laws can get people some respite.

Today what people face are the changing implications of the personal bankruptcy rules given in chapter 7 of the bankruptcy code. According to the new rules, anyone filing insolvency will have to pay some part of the debt that he or she owes to the financer. Besides that, there are many other types of loans which are not exempted from being written off, such as student loans and government taxes have to be paid in full without any reductions.

These changes in the laws have made bankruptcy an option which should be considered the … Read the rest >>>

Civil Liability ConventionOn the other hand, the provision(s) do not commence at all if the occasion described in paragraph (b) does not take place. The ship-owner’s liability can only be exonerated if he proves that the damage resulted from acts of war or equivalent force majeure conditions, from wilful acts or omissions of a third party, or from negligence or other wrongful act of the authority responsible for the upkeep of navigational aids in the physical exercise of its functions. Issued in accordance with the provisions of Post VII of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969.

In witness whereof the undersigned being duly authorized by their respective Governments for that objective have signed this Convention. On presentation of this blue card to the flag state registry, an owner has received in return a CLC certificate. The total aggregate amount of compensation payable for one incident under the … Read the rest >>>