Family Law – Marriage

To acquire married inside the UK you will need to be over the age of 16. If you are under 18, you will need to get permission from your parents. It is possible to also not force someone to marry against their will. You need to not be too closely connected and will have to not already be married.

The very first step whenever you decide to obtain married is dependent upon whether or not that you are obtaining a civil or religious ceremony. If you want to obtain married with a registrar, you will have to supply notice for the registry workplace that you just strategy to get married. Notice is displayed in public for 15 days to ensure that anyone who has any objections to the marriage could make their feelings identified. Notice will final for one particular year at which time it’ll be sought once more should … Read the rest >>>

Bizarre New Chinese Marriage Law – Men Only!

In current weeks, in the Peoples’ Republic of China, the Chinese government has implemented a controversial turnaround in its age-old marriage laws, and get this, it is in favor of men!

The net and newspaper columns are rife in China now with talk of this new law, even cartoons displaying women crying their eyes out, although their husbands appear on having a smug grin on their face happen to be displayed everywhere; and it has to be said, when the Chinese government does finally do a thing, they do it significantly!

For many years now, there has been a social phenomenon that has been causing a fantastic deal of grief within Chinese society. Traditionally, inside Chinese culture, a Chinese woman could marry for financial factors, i.e. she viewed as the man to merely be a very good provider, and/or marrying the man will be a status upgrade. This was completely … Read the rest >>>