The Most Common Types of Product Liability Claims

Product liability claims can arise for several reasons. One of the most common is a manufacturing defect when a product is not manufactured as intended. This can be intentional (the manufacturer scrimped on quality or cut corners to save money) or accidental. A manufacturing defect claim may not be appropriate for every product, but it is often appropriate for certain situations. 

Manufacturing Defects

A manufacturing defect is a defect that occurs during the manufacturing process. This can make a product dangerous. This defect can occur in various products, including automobiles, medical products, and consumer products. Manufacturing defects can be anything from a missing component in a seatbelt to a manufacturing error that led to a contaminated product.

The most common types of product liability claims in Connecticut involve defective manufacturing. This is the most common category of product liability claims because it means that a product had a flaw during … Read the rest >>>

The Benefits and Limitations of Qualified Immunity Police Officers

Increasingly, courts are granting qualified immunity police officers. The Benefits and Limitations of this defense are explored in this article. You’ll learn how qualified immunity for police officers works and when it’s appropriate to invoke it. You’ll also discover how to pursue a claim for qualified immunity in court.

Courts Increasingly Willing to Grant Qualified Immunity Police Officers

Qualified immunity is an important tool that allows law enforcement officials to defend themselves against civil rights lawsuits. It can be used to protect police officers from civil rights suits, even when they have committed serious violations of the law. Qualified immunity could prevent police from suing civilians for civil rights violations, but a police officer cannot sue an individual for civil rights violations if he or she was acting in good faith.

The issue has drawn national attention in recent years. Since George Floyd’s death, advocates for police accountability have … Read the rest >>>