4 Things You Should Remember During an Uncontested Divorce

When you agree to an uncontested divorce, what you are really consenting to is that you agree with almost everything the other party asks for. For some individuals with no children, walking away from the little they accumulated in life is easy. For others that have an extensive portfolio of property or assets, a decision by both parties to abide by the prenuptial agreement makes an unchallenged divorce the right path to take. No matter why you and your partner decide to choose an uncontested divorce, there are a few things you should remember while waiting for it to become final.

1. Too Much Information

You may feel single again, and you may want to party with your friends. Part of the modern adult playground is social media, and therein lies the problem. Don’t post too much information about your public or private escapades on social media if you don’t … Read the rest >>>

Getting Help for Injuries Sustained During a Protest

You wanted to help, and before you left for the event, you even took several precautions to keep yourself and others safe. The protest was to be a peaceful march from one location in the city to another. You contacted the organizers and made sure you had copies of all the rules, regulations and even printed a copy of the permit you needed to keep on your person.

After the event started, at some point, one or more people decided to stop obeying the intended rules. One thing leads to another, and you find yourself being injured because of someone else’s actions. Law enforcement and medical personnel arrived at the scene. You aren’t sure what to do next.

Considering Your Options

Your options for recovering from these injuries will depend on how much health insurance coverage you have, whether your employer allows you to take time off, and whether … Read the rest >>>