3 Suggestions For Avoiding a DUI This Holiday Season

3 Suggestions For Avoiding a DUI This Holiday Season

Once again, the holiday season is upon us. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, with Christmas and New Years soon following. The holidays are a time to reflect, rejoice and celebrate. Often times, holiday celebration comes in the form of a few drinks with friends and family. Whether you’re enjoying a beer with the Thanksgiving football game, a cup of eggnog by the fireplace or a glass of wine with Christmas dinner, there are a few matters to keep in mind.

First and foremost, driving under the influence and driving while intoxicated are very serious crimes that can have a indelible effect on your life. Simply having a few drinks could lead to death, destruction, embarrassment and loss of privileges. It is important to have a plan when it relates to alcohol consumption, especially around the holidays. Here are three suggestions for avoiding a DUI this holiday season.

1. Always

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3 Things Your Privacy Policy Should Have

3 Things Your Privacy Policy Should Have

In my last post I discussed why I think virtually every small biz website should have a privacy policy. This time, I’d like to discuss three things every policy should have, which I commonly find to be missing.

First, a quick run-down of the basic purpose for a privacy policy is in order. Privacy policies basically fulfill two functions. They: 1) tell visitors what information you collect from them (whether the collection is overt, such as through an email opt-in, or covert, such as through tracking cookies); and 2) what you will and will not do with the information.

Now on to the three things every policy should have (but often don’t):

A Notice About Tracking Cookie Usage. If you use third-party analytics or ad serving, then it is virtually guaranteed that your site places tracking cookies on your visitors’ computers. If you have any sort of “sign-in” functionality to … Read the rest >>>