Civil And Criminal LiabilitiesThe truth that Raymond Njanike ( Interfin Bank MD) ,Farai Rwodzi ( Interfin Chairman) and Interfin Banking Corporation continue to mislead investing public and regulatory authorities about the legality of thier illegal action shows fraudulent intent on the portion of Raymond Njanike ( Interfin Bank MD) ,Farai Rwodzi ( Interfin Chairman) and Interfin Banking Corporation. The law provides the SEC the choice of asking the court to impose a civil penalty equal to the amount of monetary acquire that resulted from the violation (15 USCA §78u (d)(3)(B)). The SEC may possibly conduct its investigations even where it has already referred the matter for criminal prosecution (69 Am. Jur. A third general criminal statute that prosecutors could use against corporate officers and directors is forgery.

The plaintiff is allowed to collect damages equal to the difference between what he paid and what the stock was worth at the time of the … Read the rest >>>