The Most Common Types of Product Liability Claims

Product liability claims can arise for several reasons. One of the most common is a manufacturing defect when a product is not manufactured as intended. This can be intentional (the manufacturer scrimped on quality or cut corners to save money) or accidental. A manufacturing defect claim may not be appropriate for every product, but it is often appropriate for certain situations. 

Manufacturing Defects

A manufacturing defect is a defect that occurs during the manufacturing process. This can make a product dangerous. This defect can occur in various products, including automobiles, medical products, and consumer products. Manufacturing defects can be anything from a missing component in a seatbelt to a manufacturing error that led to a contaminated product.

The most common types of product liability claims in Connecticut involve defective manufacturing. This is the most common category of product liability claims because it means that a product had a flaw during … Read the rest >>>