Civil Liability ConventionOn the other hand, the provision(s) do not commence at all if the occasion described in paragraph (b) does not take place. The ship-owner’s liability can only be exonerated if he proves that the damage resulted from acts of war or equivalent force majeure conditions, from wilful acts or omissions of a third party, or from negligence or other wrongful act of the authority responsible for the upkeep of navigational aids in the physical exercise of its functions. Issued in accordance with the provisions of Post VII of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969.

In witness whereof the undersigned being duly authorized by their respective Governments for that objective have signed this Convention. On presentation of this blue card to the flag state registry, an owner has received in return a CLC certificate. The total aggregate amount of compensation payable for one incident under the … Read the rest >>>