Child Negligence CasesThe price of substantiated child maltreatment, as of 2013, has shown modest declines in the previous six years, and is at a level decrease than at any time due to the fact 1990. In truth, parents had been responsible for 54 per cent of instances step parents, de facto parents, foster parents and guardians had been cited in ten per cent of circumstances siblings and other relatives were the offenders in six per cent of instances friends and neighbours in 8 per cent of situations and persons other than relatives or pals and neighbours represented 22 per cent of the cases (Angus and Wilkinson 1993, p.13).

Child sexual abuse has, in fact, been defined as ‘the involvement of a dependent and create mentally immature youngster or adolescent in the sexual activities of an older individual/adult, exactly where the younger person is utilised for the gratification of sexual desires or desires of the older individual or where social taboos or household roles are violated’ (Kid Sexual Abuse Process Force 1987).

Some examples of actions which may result in emotional abuse are: young children consistently getting told they are no great or worthless young children becoming continually rejected and shown no affection kids subjected to repeated verbal abuse and threats young children punished by being locked up alone or not getting allowed to have buddies or social activities (NSW Kid Protection Council 1993).

Mandatory reporting laws have now been introduced in all Australian States and Territories, except Western Australia and the Australian … Read the rest >>>