3 Famous Estate Cases Featuring John Branca Attorney

Estate cases of high-profile clients are often tragic examples of estate planning gone wrong. Seasoned professionals like John Branca attorney are well aware of the problems that can crop up when a will is not correctly set up for an entertainer. It’s hard to believe that artists like Prince sometimes don’t even have a will when they pass or become incapacitated. Unfortunately, that is the case for many people, whether they are famous or not. Here are three well-known estate cases that illustrate the challenges of estate planning.

1. Howard Hughes

In 1976, Howard Hughes passed away and left a fortune behind without a proven will. Howard was a leader in the aviation industry as well as a film director who was famous for his unconventional behavior. When people learned that Hughe’s estate was being divided, over 600 people laying claim to a piece of the pie showed up to … Read the rest >>>