Concurrent LiabilityThe case of Robinson -v- P E Jones (Contractors) Ltd 2011 EWCA Civ 9 deals with the issue of tortious liability operating concurrent to contractual liability. The courts traditionally appear at the view that the accurate part of tort is to compensate these who have created a loss…read far more. The mere truth that the parties have dealt with a matter expressly in their contract does not imply that they intended to exclude the correct to sue in tort. Claims for defective or poorly performed building perform have in the previous been commonly created each in contract and below the general law of tort” (or delict” as it is recognized in Scotland) which imposes liability for particular negligent acts. Concurrent tortious liability can occasionally supply an advantage over contractual liability.

The court assumed that parties contract on the basis that their liability will be restricted to harm of such sort … Read the rest >>>