4 Ways Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Gives You a Fresh Start

Most people shy away from the word “bankruptcy” even in dire financial situations. However, bankruptcy is one of the best tools available to eliminate debt when everything seems hopeless. Here are four ways that filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy gives you a fresh start in life. 

1. Relief From Creditors

When you’re harassed by creditors for unpaid bills, it feels like you’re being dragged through the mud. Once you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you’ll get an automatic stay on all collections and start to see a light at the end of the tunnel. All attempts to collect debts will cease and you’ll begin the bankruptcy process.

2. Protection of Your Possessions

If you hold off on contacting a bankruptcy attorney Columbia MD because you’re afraid you’ll lose everything, know that most bankruptcies protect your possessions. This means you’ll likely get to keep your home and car. If you’re on the … Read the rest >>>