Concurrent LiabilityIf you are logged in as a member or a registered academic, you will see a hyperlink to download the paper for Absolutely free. V. British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, 1993 CanLII 145 (SCC), 1993 1 S.C.R. 12 and Cognos, that breach of pre-contractual representations may possibly be actionable as each a breach of contract and negligent misrepresentation, with clear exceptions arising from the express terms of the contract. This conclusion possessing been reached, one particular would expect that the quantum of damages in tort and contract would be comparable because the elements of the bargain unrelated to the misrepresentation are reintroduced.

Even though I would not question the conclusions reached in any of these judgments, I am of the view that inquiring into such matters as whether or not the defendant had expertise of the plaintiff (or class of plaintiffs) and whether or not the plaintiff applied the … Read the rest >>>