A Story Of My Ongoing Battle With Asbestosis

A Story Of My Ongoing Battle With Asbestosis

It what food was in my thirties, when I began to notice a lack of breath which occurred usually with exertion. This puzzled me a lot, is that I don’t smoke, or possess a history of asthma. Over the years, the shortness of breath worsened to the level that I feel it regardless if I’m rested. There are even times when the dyspnea was so severe that I had to prop myself high on the bed because I can’t breathe when I’m in a supine position. I became increasingly worried when I aside from the dyspnea, I a persistent dry cough and a few chest pain now and then.

I submitted myself to a medical evaluation

also, it was discovered out that I had asbestosis. I was diagnosed almost about ten years ago, and I am now inside my early fifties. Asbestosis is a lung disease that occurs from sucking in asbestos fibers which could cause scar tissue to create inside the lung, which often prevents the organ from expanding and contracting normally. Like most asbestosis patients, it took decades before the symptoms of the illness manifested. The heartbreaking facts are it cannot be cured because of this illness yet, and until a cure is found, I have to depend on receiving low dose oxygen at home and chest percussion. I also have to receive nebulized meds to liquefy my secretions.

With the help of my doctor

I was capable of home in on where I could have probably gotten … Read the rest >>>