Application Proceedings in Civil Procedure

An application proceedings begins when the applicant files a notice of motion, which advises the respondent of his or her claim. This notice will typically be accompanied by a founding affidavit. The responding party must serve an opposing affidavit to dispute the allegations of fact set forth in the applicant’s affidavit. After receiving the opposing affidavit, the applicant may file a replying affidavit.

Notice of application to strike out

Generally, a party can request to have proceedings struck out if the evidence in support of its claim is insufficient. This is a less-severe remedy than dismissal, but it still carries significant consequences. Bringing a strike out application at the earliest possible date will help avoid wasted time and costs, and will also ensure that all parties involved know the issues that are going to be tried. If, however, the application is brought too late, a party may have waived its … Read the rest >>>