Civil Liability ConventionIn February, the Arrow strikes rock in Chedabucto Bay, Nova Scotia, spilling some eight,000 tonnes of oil. The 1971 Fund Convention offered for the payment of supplementary compensation to these who could not receive complete compensation for oil pollution damage beneath the 1969 CLC. The Canadian Government’s claim for charges and expenditures incurred is presented to, and paid by, the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund. The consolidated text of CLC 1969, as modified by the 1992 Protocol, is referred to as the 1992 Civil Liability Convention.

On the other hand, the 1992 CLC prohibits claims against the servants or agents of the shipowner, the members of the crew, the pilot, the charterer (including a bareboat charterer), manager or operator of the ship, or any particular person carrying out salvage operations or taking preventive measures, unless the pollution damage resulted from the private act or omission of the person concerned, committed … Read the rest >>>