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Things to Do When You Encounter Car Accidents There is one accident that is most likely will happen anytime in the United States and this is auto accident, also termed as car crashes and vehicle collisions. This is an incident when a car collides with another vehicle, with an animal, on a geographical obstacle, a piece of architecture, or with a pedestrian. In several situations, these accidents could result to damages of property, injuries and even death. There are several things we need to know about auto accident law if these accidents would happen one time or another. As the basic thing you should know is that you are required to have car insurance if you are driving your car on public streets. Note that there is a certain amount of insurance that is specified by law. The liability coverage should at least be carried so that the property of others are covered if they get destroyed during the accident at your fault. It is also advantageous if you also carry more than the liability insurance to protect yourself when you encounter the accident. Depending on the circumstances, be informed that you could be facing some legalities like fines or jail time, if you do not have the proper insurance to cover you. When you are involved in a car accident, know that there are certain matters that you should definitely do. Always remember to report the accident before leaving the scene, because not reporting it is a violation of the law, and it will be considered as hit and run on your part leading to serious damages for you.
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Calling the police is the most important thing to do when you encountered an accident even if nobody is hurt. If somebody is injured, make it a point to call for medical help. If you are physically able, it is wise to get information about the accident. It is good to get the contact information, license information and insurance information of the other driver involved in the accident. Getting the witnesses information is also a good and useful idea, aside from noting the time, location and the date of the accident.
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Under the auto accident law, one of the most important elements is determining who is at fault of the accident. The cause of the accident is usually addressed to the person at fault because of his or her negligence. In this case, the person who is at fault is the one responsible for all damages occurred. There are cases somehow that the fault is shared in a vehicle accident. When there is a car accident, expect auto accident lawsuit especially when damages occur that cannot be taken care of by an insurance company. You are allowed under the law to file claims against the person at fault in the accident.

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